Name: Alan Hensel
I'm the webmaster of this site.
Here are some of my other creations. You'll recognize some of it helped me create this site.
Twixt Puzzles - a JavaScript-based interactive site with Alex Randolph's 40 puzzles, plus a bunch more. Please inform me of any positions you notice in a game that might make a good puzzle!
JavaScript Twixt Board Prototype A primitive version of the puzzle site - just a board. You can use it to play Twixt when you don't have a physical board handy.
Twixt First Move Statistics What's the best first move in Twixt? Well, what did people play, and how did it turn out?
Ruby script for downloading Little Golem TwixtPP games to JTwixt format Just include the Little Golem game numbers on the command line: ruby getgame.rb (You may also need to download Ruby and JTwixt.)
Twixt Games lost in the Crash of 2006 (352K zip file) Little Golem had a freak double hard drive failure on July 17, 2006, destroying recent backups in the process. It was restored from an old May 22 archive. Nearly 2 months of games were lost. These are 933 of them (Twixt only), up to July 16.