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Game number: Main Page
White: Maciej Celuch (nie_wiesz)    Black: David J Bush (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2009-02-07 at 15:32, twixter (info) said:
24.J18 was unnecessarily complicated. I should have played J9 right away.

24.j9 25.m12 26.m14 27.l9 28.i12 29.f9 30.i8 31.j10 32.g11 is the same as the game.

|26.m12 27.r14 would have lost for black.

|27.f18 was not the best defense:


|27.d17 28.g12 29.g11 30.j9 but it looks like black still wins, for example

31.j11 32.i12 33.l12 34.m12


|27.f14 28.f21 29.i17 30.k20 31.h19 32.h22 33.k18 34.m19 and again it looks like black wins, but there are lots of branches and I'm not sure.

On 2009-02-07 at 18:18, nie_wiesz (info) said:
Yes 24.j9 was a winning try to You.

My bad I didn't see j9 after 24.j18 or 26.r16.

Variation B

27.f14 28.f21 29.h19 30.i16 31.i21 32.i12 33.m12 34.j9 35.m14 - and white wins.

Variation A

27.d17 28.g12 29.e11 30.j9 31.j11 32.k11 33.m12 34.m14 35.l12 or

27.d17 28.g12 29.e11 30.h9 31.g8 32.i11 33.i7 34.o9 35.q9 36.m10 37.m12 38.m14 39.k11 - white wins

Variation C

27.g12 28.f21 29.h19 30.g19 31.i17
27.g12 28.g20 29.e20
27.g12 28.g19 29.i17 30.k20 31.g18

White wins

Variation D

27.f9 28.j9 29.d8

I think these are not all winning moves after your 26.r16.

Let's come back to 22.p15. What if i would have played 23.n12?

23.n12 24.m12 25.m10 26.j9 27.k9 28.i11 29.i12

23.n12 24.m12 25.m10 26.l10 27.k9

23.n12 24.m12 25.m10 26.j10 27.j9

So situation after 23.n12 24.m12 25.m10 could be better for white?

On 2009-02-07 at 18:22, nie_wiesz (info) said:
Ohh sorry i must correct some situations, becouse its can't be showed.

Variation C

27.g12 28.g20 29.e20 or 27.g12 28.g19 29.i17 30.k20 31.g18

And coming back to 22.p15.

23.n12 24.m12 25.m10 26.l10 27.k9 or 23.n12 24.m12 25.m10 26.j10 27.j9

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