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White: TooL    Black: Zandor (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2007-09-29 at 15:51, TooL (info) said:
I add this game because I'd like to know if I could win in the end. The beginning wasn't good for me. I suppose that I fell into a trap. It was something like a scheme, I played like he wanted. After 9.p16 I discovered that I must do sth, so I decided to gave Zandor right side and to fight on the left side. After 21.f17 I thought that I could win this game in very easy way, but his 22th
suprised me and I dont know what to do, so I played as I played, and I lost. Could I do sth to win this game after 22th move?

On 2007-09-29 at 19:40, Alan Hensel (info) said:
|22.f21 looks like a perfect setup for the Medcalf Defense. For example: |23.d21 24.e19 25.c19 26.d17 27.d16 28.c15 29.i20 30.h17 31.h18 32.e14 33.g15 34.i15 35.g11 ... the later moves are probably fiction, but it's one possible variation. It might not lead to victory, but it's a stronger response than |23.g19, because it leads to chaos, at least, instead of defeat.

On 2007-09-30 at 17:15, Alan Hensel (info) said:
Here's a more holistic answer. I think the game as a whole was pretty well played. I wouldn't have played |3.q14, which seems a little bit unbalanced to the south, making a Black response to the north very likely. Then, White needed bold moves to open up new threats using all the space on the board, but instead played it safe and tried to keep existing pegs alive. It's hard to make specific recommendations because bold moves are, by definition, risky. But maybe |7.h10 instead of |7.m8, for example, or maybe |9.t18 (a downstream peg from R10) instead of |9.p16. It's hard to say, because even if Black has the upper hand, there are still plenty of opportunities for Black to make a weak move. After move 9, White had established a vulnerable line, which Black attacks, forcing White's next moves. In fact, from move 11 to move 21, White's moves seem to be pretty much driven by Black, so if there is a recommendation for White in that interval, it would have to be something tricky and bold and somewhere on the left. (|17.f16?) I can't be sure it's not there, because there was still a lot of space on the left.

On 2009-05-04 at 20:12, wojtek (info) said:
23.d21 24.d20 25.c19 26.c18 27.d16 28.b16 29.i20 30.h17 31.h18 32.g15 33.d12 and i dont know what's later

On 2009-05-04 at 20:16, wojtek (info) said:
23.d21 24.e19 25.c19 26.d17 27.d16 28.c15 29.i20 30.h17 31.h18 32.g15
but 23.d21 24.e19 25.d16 is better

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