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White: lovebaby    Black: Carroll (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2007-07-16 at 15:48, Jeff K. (info) said:
I think 1.d7 was the only mistake I can find in lovebaby's game... Alan gives 66% credit for this move.

I was not very happy with 30.e14 but I'm forced to block because of the bad ladder for me eg. 30.d14 31.f14 32.f13 33.e12 !

In move 41.e10, lovebaby says "untill move 28 it looked like a very eazy win for you. I'm glad i made it an more exciting game... "

Before I had been told that defense does not realy mean something in twixt but lovebaby showed a strong one...
I jtwixt analysed 44.j5 a lot for fear of 45.k4 or 45.j7, then Lovebaby said "46.k7 looks like the winner...."

On 50.j9 I said "very interesting how separate components which look joined are in fact separate !" and he answered by "51.j10 but in this game they all come togheter... Very nice game!" and I feared he spoke of his...

I was quite happy with 54.l8 with new tracks for black but I'm not sure it is best move.
With 59.v7 he takes me by surprise and I start to wonder if I will make it to the corner as I planed to. I think 60.w10 is forced, any other ideas ?
I wondered quite a lot on 61.r_ or 61.s8 or even 61.r7 but I tried to convince myself I had a way out there.

On 2007-07-16 at 15:51, Jeff K. (info) said:
Well my example of bad ladder is wrong, but on bad |30.d13 31.f14 32.f13 33.e12 !

On 2007-07-16 at 15:54, Jeff K. (info) said:
Typo, I meant 45.k4 or 45.l7

On 2007-07-17 at 00:05, Alan Hensel (info) said:
By "Alan gives 66% credit for this move", I think Jeff means my first move stats. There are only 113 moves on that spot, so that number can still jump around a bit. But I would have swapped it, too.

Oh, just a little better counter-defense could have resolved the game shortly after 29.b15. For example:

1. |30.f18 31.c18 32.b18 (or |30.f18 31.b18 32.d18 33.d19 34.e20 or |30.f18 31.d19 32.c19 33.b18 34.e20 35.c20 36.c21 or |30.f18 31.b19 32.d19)

2. |30.c15 31.f14 32.f18 (or |30.c15 31.d16 32.e16 or |30.c15 31.d14 32.e14)

3. |30.c17 31.e15 32.f18 -- which, by the way, Carroll could have done even one exchange later: |30.e14 31.c13 32.c17 33.c18 34.e18 35.b16 36.d20.

Even as late as |33.e18, |34.e19 could have saved him. Or |34.f18 35.c17 36.d19! That |33.e18 is a buddied peg, and the best response is usually one of the buddied links. One of them is usually a good response, and in this case, both are.

On 2007-07-17 at 10:23, Jeff K. (info) said:
Thanks for your nice comment Alan which shows that I really dragged the game for nonsense. And it shows the use of your "main branch sign |" too!

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