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Game number: Main Page
White: David J Bush    Black: Klaus Hußmanns (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2013-03-01 at 00:34, twixter (info) said:
This game is the subject of a You Tube video. Since Klaus swapped, I decided to make the video to show swapping sides (the pieces box rotates 180 degrees) instead of swapping the first piece as LG does. So, the image in the video is a mirror image of this position, reflected along the A1-X24 diagonal, and Klaus has the dark pieces and I have the light pieces.

Here are some continuations from the final position, to show why Klaus resigned.

|54.k13 55.i18 56.j18 57.k17 or
|54.i17 55.l12 56.k13 57.k10 58.m3 59.k6 60.k4 61.i5 or
|54.i17 55.l12 56.k13 57.k10 58.k3 59.m6 60.m4 61.o5

I believe Klaus missed an opportunity to draw on move 48:

|48.r4 49.l4 50.q11 51.s13 52.n10 53.m14 54.i17 55.l12 56.k13 57.k10 58.k3 59.m6 60.m4 61.o5 62.p3 63.n2 64.o3 65.q2 66.n4 67.l3

On 2013-03-01 at 00:35, twixter (info) said:
Uh, I meant to say, in the video Klaus has the light pieces and I have the dark pieces.

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