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Game number: Main Page
White: nie_wiesz    Black: Alan Hensel (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2007-07-08 at 22:49, Alan Hensel (info) said:
The most interesting thing about this game is my response to 35.i19. The typical response would be 36.g18 37.e18 38.e21 39.g19 40.i21 41.i18 ... which doesn't work: 42.k20 43.m18, or 42.m20 43.j21. I think that 36.i21 as a response here is always better than the traditional pattern.

Earlier in the game, around moves 12-14, my strategy became squeezing his line at the top, so that he had no choice but to connect n8 to the bottom, which I was betting he couldn't. 18.g7 was awkwardly chosen to prevent a viable f10 threat from nie_wiesz. I needed j8 to connect to the left side, so that the sequence 20.n13 21.L15 22.l12 would produce a double threat. The rest of the game was a walk thru a mine field. Some of the potential hazards: |22.m15 23.h16 24.h14 25.i14, then |26.o16 27.n18 28.q17 29.g13 30.h16 31.e14 32.g20 33.h17 34.i19 35.j18, then |30.p19 31.m18 32.l17 33.g13 34.h16 35.e14 36.g20 37.h17 38.i19 39.k17 40.j17 41.l15 42.j15 43.n16, and finally that traditional |36.g18 37.e18...

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