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Game number: Main Page
White: maraca    Black: David J Bush
White's turn: (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2012-02-11 at 00:05, David J Bush (info) said:
This commentary was requested in the following thread:

Black is trying to connect the black borders with a continuous chain of linked black pegs, and white is trying to connect the white borders with a chain of linked white pegs. Each move consists of placing a peg, and the server automatically adds any links, which are always at opposite corners of a 2x3 rectangle of holes, like a knight's move in chess. Opposing links are not allowed to cross.

You could click on each move in this commentary to see the position resulting from that move.

After 28.L13 black is threatening to double link at N14. For example |29.k12 30.n14 31.n13 32.l15 and black has connected his groups. The top group cannot be prevented from connecting to the right, and the bottom cannot be stopped from reaching black's left border row. Note that on this server, black's own links are allowed to cross each other. With a physical set, the rules are a little different. Black could have first removed the L13/N14 link and then double linked at L15 in order to secure a continuous chain.

So, in order to prevent this from happening, White played 29.m14. This is better than simply double linking with N13. For example |29.n13 30.j12 31.l12 32.k14 and black wins. With m14, white is threatening to double link at L12. But the point of this attack is that black can play J12 anyway. Just play out the main line from move 29 to move 34 to see what happened. The battle might have continued |35.i8 36.h7 37.c5 38.e6 39.d8 40.b5 41.b7 42.d4 or |35.h7 36.i10 and black punches through either way.

This isn't a really deep combination, but it's pretty.

If you want to add your own comments or questions here, first register for free, log on, and create any variation you want by clicking on the holes on the board. When you do this, the pegs and any links are added with each move. A move list for your variation is also generated. Use the copy and paste functions to add this list to your comment. Be sure to include the vertical bar at the beginning of the move list. When you preview your comment, make sure that when you click on these moves in your comment, you produce the position you want. Then you can post the comment.

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