I agree, you still had options for getting to the bottom.
Twixtbot likes your g8 suggestion, even at the end. It definitely would not have resigned. It evaluates the position at move 32 as a very slight advantage for Black at -0.054. Twixtbot resigns when the evaluation is ±0.95 against it.
That is not to say you resigned a winning position. That is a very long continuation, and I don't trust it, even from Twixtbot. I would say you resigned while there was still hope. In this case, the loss of hope seems to have been based on 2 things: overestimating Black's strength across the bottom, and underestimating how much you could still make viable threats in the space on the right side of the board.
2025-03-08 at 15:14,
nope, it's because I completely forgot about my option of connecting to my lower segment via H11 -- I'd seen it earlier, but after Black played I8, I forgot all about it
on looking back, I don't think shyryan could have covered all the options I had for getting to the bottom
should have played |23.g8
Twixtbot likes your g8 suggestion, even at the end. It definitely would not have resigned. It evaluates the position at move 32 as a very slight advantage for Black at -0.054. Twixtbot resigns when the evaluation is ±0.95 against it.
Here's an example continuation:
|33.g8 34.i10 35.h11 36.l21 37.q16 38.o21 39.n21 40.m22 41.u19 42.n17 43.u7 44.t17 45.t16 46.s15 47.u18 48.s9 49.q9 50.t7 51.s10 52.t11 53.m16 and now Black can't cover both of White's threats at s14 and s17.
That is not to say you resigned a winning position. That is a very long continuation, and I don't trust it, even from Twixtbot. I would say you resigned while there was still hope. In this case, the loss of hope seems to have been based on 2 things: overestimating Black's strength across the bottom, and underestimating how much you could still make viable threats in the space on the right side of the board.