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Game number: Main Page
White: bob440    Black: Scorpion
This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2022-08-06 at 00:05, bob440 (info) said:
gotta pay better attention

|7.q8 8.p10 9.r10 10.o12 11.q16 12.p14 13.r14

On 2022-08-06 at 03:40, SCORPION (info) said:
|7.q8 8.p10 9.r10 10.o12 11.q16 12.Q13

On 2022-08-06 at 15:16, bob440 (info) said:

On 2022-08-06 at 15:26, bob440 (info) said:
|7.q8 8.p10 9.r10 10.o12 11.o13

looks better, but it probably wouldn't go that way

On 2022-08-11 at 16:34, Peyrol (info) said:
Before I hand this over to the bot, |7.q8 8.p10 9.n10 looks good for white locally, but this ignores the bottom half of the board.

After your suggested |7.q8 the bot says 8.m17 9.k16 10.k18 11.f18 12.n14 13.q13 14.n6 15.f14 16.g7 17.k7 18.l11 wins for black.

Instead of |7.q8, the bot suggests |7.n10 and then after 8.n6 9.r12 10.p14 11.s16 12.r17 13.h15 14.m17 15.k16 16.m4 17.i8 18.h4 19.g7 20.f5 21.d6 22.j18 23.g17 24.j14 25.l9 26.d8 27.t11 28.e6 29.r6 30.s6 31.t5 white goes on to win.

Please ask about any variation.

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