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Game number: Main Page
White: bob440    Black: Christian0
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On 2022-07-21 at 17:22, bob440 (info) said:
|23.p12 looks lots better -- wish I'd seen it at the time

On 2022-07-21 at 17:42, Christian0 (info) said:
Yes that would have been a clear win for white. I'm surprised I managed to win since I felt I was in an inferior position quite early on.

On 2022-07-22 at 11:19, Peyrol (info) said:
The bot suggests |12.v20

On 2022-07-22 at 11:41, Christian0 (info) said:
Seems like a win for black yes:

|12.v20 13.r21 14.t19 15.q19 16.p16 17.s18 18.r15
|12.v20 13.r19 14.q18 15.q17 16.p16 17.u22 18.r15
|12.v20 13.s18 14.t21 15.o19 16.p16 17.p17 18.r15

On 2022-08-06 at 01:18, steven (info) said:
Move 7. n15 is a mistake. The purpose of playing L16 is to start a ladder chase angling back to go up the left side where your D3 would be an advantage. |7.j17 8.j19 9.f18

On 2022-08-08 at 21:57, bob440 (info) said:

but doesn't "The bot suggests |12.v20" have some implications for the Medcalf Defense? I think David has been saying that for a while.

On 2022-08-11 at 17:09, Peyrol (info) said:
|12.v20 is a specific move in a specific situation. I'm not sure what you expect Steven to say. Of course it has some implications. It doesn't bust the Medcalf if that's what you are getting at.

Regarding the position Steven was talking about, the bot likes |7.f17 with an unclear position. After white N15 the bot likes |8.p11, but Christian's move J17 probably also works: |9.s17 10.p13 for example.

On 2022-08-11 at 22:47, bob440 (info) said:
ok -- just trying to figure it out

On 2022-08-21 at 23:05, bob440 (info) said:
looking at |12.v20 13.p17

14.t19 15.o19
14.t21 15.o19
14.p19 15.o19
14.p18 15.r21

what am I missing?

On 2022-08-21 at 23:50, Alan Hensel (info) said:
|12.v20 13.p17

. With the o19 threat, white must use a link. But both 15.n18 and 15.o19 fall prey to 16.m20.

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