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Game number: Main Page
White: Cassiel    Black: David J Bush
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On 2022-07-31 at 16:30, Peyrol (info) said:
If |29.n16 30.m21 31.o18 32.q21 33.m18 and now 34.h21 would lose to 35.k21 36.j22 37.m22
but instead 34.i21 wins for black.

|29.q17 30.m13 threatens black Q13, so then 31.q13 32.r18 33.o18 34.n18 35.m17 36.l17 37.k13 38.l13 with a connection to L9.

11.E17 was a strong idea, threatening to win along the left. Maybe |11.d18 would have coordinated better with white G15. For example 12.m7 13.g8

On 2022-08-01 at 09:13, Peyrol (info) said:
The bot suggests |11.k13 12.h19 13.d19 14.m9 15.p7 16.n11 17.i9 18.f18 19.c17 20.f10 21.r12 22.p6 23.r6 24.u4 25.h7 26.e16 27.d14 28.g5 29.i5 30.j5 31.t17 32.q4 33.t5 34.s3 35.v4 36.w3 37.d5 38.d15 39.c16 40.f7 41.d10 42.d8 43.e3 44.e13 45.f14 and after 46.g14 47.e15 48.g17 49.g16 50.h15 51.h14 52.i13 53.j11 54.j14 55.j13 white wins.

I thought I had |27.r18 covered with 28.s20 but the bot points out that after 29.s21 30.q19 31.t19 I can either play 32.r17 33.t16 34.t14 35.u14 36.s16 37.s18 38.v13 39.r16 and lose, or I can play 32.r13 33.o13 34.r17 35.m16 and lose.

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