If black starts a fight in the lower left on move 10, one possible continuation might be |10.m1611.j1712.j1913.f1814.i1715.g1516.j1517.g10 and IMO white has the advantage. 10.m16 is not necessarily bad, but black should play downstream somewhere in the top left before this battle progresses too far. For example |10.i8 is a double threat to either play black M16 or black P9. But then white could play 11.s12 and then for example 12.n1713.s16. This early in the opening is difficult to evaluate. These are just suggested moves. This pattern of play is called windmilling, because it travels around the board, clockwise in this case.
I can find no fault with 10.o7, the move black played in the game. Perhaps one should look at alternate moves by white, not black, since white lost.
|15.r6 16.q5 17.p5
|15.r6 16.p5 17.s3
anything else?
14.q3 15.p5 16.n4 17.m4 18.m2 19.o5 20.l4 21.n3 22.o3 23.p3 or 14.p5 15.s3 or 14.p4 15.p5
unless I'm missing something?
Or |15.r6 16.q3 should also work for black.
But |15.n5 (threatening white T6) 16.p5 17.p4 18.r6 19.m8 look,s good for white.
|15.n5 16.p5 17.p4 18.r6 19.m8 runs into 20.m11 21.n10 22.n13 23.r15 24.q13
So instead, 19.m9 for example 20.l9 21.l7 22.n10 23.o10
and then...
24.s9 25.o8 ?
24.m6 25.r10 ?
24.n11 25.n12 26.s9 27.m8 28.o9 29.m10 ?
looks to me like |13.r6 is the answer -- remainder of game to be played
wow! that's a lot of work!
I can find no fault with 10.o7, the move black played in the game. Perhaps one should look at alternate moves by white, not black, since white lost.