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Game number: Main Page
White: David J Bush    Black: TwixtBot
This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2022-02-07 at 21:41, Peyrol (info) said:
|23.n14 would not have worked because of 24.p12

If |21.n14 22.o16 23.l15 24.j18 black wins.

On 2022-04-10 at 20:50, bob440 (info) said:
I try to play through these annotated games from time to time to try to understand them

I've encountered a position similar to 1.f5 2.n18 3.h16 4.i11 5.p13 6.o10 several times. I usually (always?) play |7.q10

1st of all, it precludes black playing Achilles (doesn't it?)

if |7.q10 8.s10, 9.o11

is |7.q10 a bad move?

On 2022-04-11 at 16:46, dushoff (info) said:
|7.q10 8.q6 looks good for black, as far as I can tell. The exchange as played seems to leave a bit more room for white. I'd love to know whether 8.q6 is actually a bad response (haven't played for a long time).

On 2022-04-15 at 15:03, Peyrol (info) said:
After |7.q10 I don't think the bot would have played 8.q6. That would have allowed me to play the Medcalf defense with 9.s6 10.r8 11.s11 which strengthens my connection to the bottom. For example 12.r4 13.o9 14.l6 15.n6 16.o7 17.m8 18.n5 19.j7

Instead, 8.s10 9.o11 10.n12 11.s9 12.o15 gives black a strong attack along the bottom.

On 2022-04-16 at 05:19, Florian Jamain (info) said:
|7.q10 8.q6 9.s6 10.r8 11.s11 12.p4 playable?

On 2022-04-16 at 08:39, Peyrol (info) said:
One line might be |7.q10 8.q6 9.s6 10.r8 11.s11 12.p4 13.o9 14.l4 15.t8 16.t4 17.p3 18.q2 19.o5 20.m6 21.f9 22.l8 23.g12 and white has lots of threats.

I still prefer 8.s10 9.o11 10.n12 11.s9 12.o15

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