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Game number: Main Page
White: ptolemycasio    Black: David J Bush (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2022-02-01 at 04:44, Peyrol (info) said:
If |35.p8 36.t8 37.v8 38.r9 and black wins.

|33.t7 34.q10 was more complicated, for example 35.t11 36.s15 37.r12 38.h18 39.q17 40.p14 or 39.q15 40.r17 or 35.p10 36.o11 37.r9 38.p9 39.q11 40.q19 41.q17 42.p17 43.o16 44.o15

My R13 was a mistake. white could have played |27.p8 and then after 28.j13 29.g13 30.i15 31.h15 32.h18 33.p15 white has too many threats. |26.r14 might have been better

On 2022-02-01 at 06:44, ptolemycasio (info) said:
If white had played |33.r12, white might have won.
34.s11 35.s10 36.t8 37.u8 38.w5 39.v6 40.t4 41.w4 42.v2 43.u3 44.t3 45.w2 46.h18 47.q15

On 2022-02-01 at 11:31, Peyrol (info) said:
|33.r12 loses to 34.w5.

On 2022-02-01 at 11:35, Peyrol (info) said:
Oops sorry, not so simple after |33.r12 34.w5 35.v6 Thank you for pointing this out.

On 2022-02-01 at 11:42, Peyrol (info) said:
How about this move order |33.r12 34.t4 35.v4 36.w5 I did not see this nuance during the game and I probably would have lost.

On 2022-02-01 at 19:42, ptolemycasio (info) said:
Oh, I see! This is great. I didn't notice the move at all.

I wonder what would have happened if White had used |27.p12.
28.h18 29.q15 30.o12 31.n11 32.q13 33.o14 34.m13 35.m15

On 2022-02-02 at 00:09, Peyrol (info) said:
The position after |27.p12 is probably winning for white. |27.p8 probably also wins.

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