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Game number: Main Page
White: CosimoC    Black: David J Bush (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2021-07-18 at 17:57, Peyrol (info) said:
My big mistake was that I missed |14.q8 15.p7 16.p10 which is a pattern I should know by now. But even after that, Cosimo had to work hard. He found 19.u6 which I missed.

Earlier in the game, |13.j9 looks strong because of C5 and the potential move white L5 in conjunction with an attack on the right side. But I don't have a specific line.

On 2021-07-18 at 20:36, Cosimo Cardellicchio (info) said:
I think that my 9.j13 was an error, because after your 10.h12, I was forced to block the connection in the lower part of the board with 11.i17 and you have an open route in the upper right part of the board. I tried to block with 13.r8, and I agree that your 14.q8 15.p7 16.p10 is very strong (almost surely winning for you).
On the other hand, 13.j9 is not so good, because 14.i10 15.l10 16.j8. I can recollect that, before 13.r8, I looked for various lines to enter into the upper left part of the board, but I found nothing good (of course, it is possible that my analysis was not correct). I thought that the game was lost...
As a final note, 19.u6 appears to me to be the "natural" move: an Achilles defense on the guideline supported by r8 and f11. Is there anything better?

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