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Game number: Main Page
White: matjazo    Black: Christian0 (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2021-10-02 at 22:29, Christian0 (info) said:
Clearly 10.i17 was a mistake but 10.i19 looks winning for black.

On 2021-10-02 at 22:36, Christian0 (info) said:
If white plays 11.l18 then 12.m18 13.j17 14.l20

On 2021-10-02 at 22:38, Christian0 (info) said:
No forget what I wrote 10.i19 is probably not winning for black.

On 2021-10-03 at 22:36, Alan Hensel (info) said:
|4.i11 would have been sufficient to guarantee a connection to the left edge while being stronger to the right. Also, it's a 6-6 gap to the o17 peg, which is two 3-3 gaps.

A little later in the game, maybe |8.m13 would have been better? What could White have done about that?

On 2021-10-04 at 09:24, Peyrol (info) said:
I don't see what is wrong with |10.i19, if it matters. For example 11.l18 12.m18 13.j17 14.l20 15.e18 16.f16 17.i20 18.j21 19.h18 20.h20

After |8.m13 maybe 9.p14 10.o14 11.r13 12.q15 13.s16

On 2021-10-04 at 14:52, Alan Hensel (info) said:
|8.m13 9.p14 10.o14 11.r13 12.q15 13.s16

14.t16 15.u15 16.r17 17.t17 18.s21 19.r18 20.q20 21.p19 22.o19
or 20.q22 21.s19 22.p20 or 20.s19 21.u19 22.u22 23.v21 24.w21 25.t20 26.p20 27.o20 28.o22 29.p18 30.n20 31.m19 32.l19 33.k18 34.j18 35.f18 36.j16

I think that still works for Black - too few white pegs to support the retrograde ladder chases from the classic 0-2 opposition pattern that Black can force.

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