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Game number: Main Page
White: CosimoC    Black: David J Bush (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2021-05-03 at 18:07, Peyrol (info) said:
Instead of 12.J18 I had to play |12.l16 and then:

13.l15 14.m17 works under PP rules but not standard.

13.i16 14.j20 15.e18 16.e20

Wow, three games in the same tournament lost due to shaky tactics. I might take a break from Twixt while I try to figure this out.

On 2021-05-04 at 21:34, bob440 (info) said:
I don't understand 6.L9. Doesn't |6.l17 lead to blocking the bottom on the left (for example, 7.m16 8.j18 9.n18 10.k16) -- leaving white to seek his fortune on the right side?

On 2021-05-06 at 00:32, Alan Hensel (info) said:
David is playing the whole board instead of getting into a local battle. That local battle might not go as you'd hope...

|6.l17 7.m16 8.j18 9.o15 and then what? 10.k16 11.r12 12.n18 13.r18 ...

On 2021-05-06 at 10:57, bob440 (info) said:
Thanks. What I failed to see was how it could pave the way for white to access the right side.

On 2021-05-10 at 15:01, Cosimo Cardellicchio (info) said:
I remember that my first analysis was 12.l16 13. l15 because I always forget that the barriers can cross in Little Golem. Then, I analyzed something like 12.l16 13.j19 14.j20 15.l18 16.j17 17. g16, but I am not completely sure that it works.

On 2021-05-11 at 05:15, Peyrol (info) said:
You're right! Looks like I was lost already. So I guess I should have attacked more aggressively with something like |6.i10 but that early in the game I cannot be certain. This is an important opening pattern to remember! White gets an advantage regardless of which ruleset is used.

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