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Game number: Main Page
White: bob440    Black: Mirko Rahn
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On 2021-04-13 at 15:55, bob440 (info) said:
instead of 43.m18, I considered |43.p21. 44.r18 looks essentially forced as a reply. trying to figure out how it plays after that

On 2021-04-14 at 22:15, Alan Hensel (info) said:
|43.p21 44.r18 and then 45.k17 looks unstoppable - Black has to link his m20 peg, or face the L19 threat - for example, 46.j19 47.l19, but links don't work - for example, 46.k21 47.h20. So White makes it to the bottom.

Looks good for White, I think:

48.n13 49.l14 50.m9 51.o13 52.u12 53.h11

48.n13 49.l14 50.o11 51.n9 52.p6 53.p8 54.r5 55.t4

48.m9 49.h11 50.k12 51.j11

On 2021-04-15 at 21:32, bob440 (info) said:
thanks -- wasn't really sure what to do after |43.p21 44.r18, so I was looking to first prove (to self) that I could reach the top after "45 whatever"

for 45,k17

if 46.f10, 47.n9 48.p10 49.o7 or 48.m7 49.p8
if 46.m9, 47.h11

perhaps a better approach would have been -- what are the possible blocks to reaching the top and what move 45 does not create any additional weaknesses?

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