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Game number: Main Page
White: shyryan    Black: David J Bush
Black's turn: (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2021-02-14 at 00:53, Peyrol (info) said:
|22.o15 does not work: 23.h15 24.h20 25.l21 wins for white.

Maybe |8.q18 was a better idea. K11 showed good positional judgement.

On 2021-02-14 at 19:18, shyryan (info) said:
I did not understand 26.n8 for the longest time, and I was very tempted to ignore it and shore up the bottom with |27.h15. But I finally realized that you were threatening 28.k7:

|27.h15 28.k7 29.l6 30.j9
|27.h15 28.k7 29.l8 30.j5 31.j4 32.k3 33.i6 34.i4

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