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White: Christian0    Black: shyryan (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2021-02-11 at 15:49, shyryan (info) said:
6.r12 may have been too ambitious, but |8.q14 might have been a better follow-up. Either way, seems like almost anything near 10.i10 would have been better than 10.i10.

Commentary welcome.

On 2021-02-12 at 01:39, Alan Hensel (info) said:
Yeah, |6.p13 would have been sufficient to virtually guarantee connection to the right edge. Then if it played out similar to the actual ending, 7.h17 8.i10 9.i11 10.j8 11.k10, then 12.n8 threatens to connect to that p13 peg. For example, 13.n9 14.m10 looks pretty good, or 13.n11 14.p7 15.t8 16.s4.

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