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White: bob440    Black: Flemming Jensen
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On 2020-07-26 at 20:11, bob440 (info) said:
Looks like I shouldn't have played Achilles at 5.r16, because Flemming later surprised me with 8.q14 9.q13 10.p16 11.s14 12.r20. On looking at it again, I initially thought 13.q18 was a mistake and I should have played |13.s19, but

|13.s19 14.s18 15.q18 16.o19 17.r21 18.q22 19.p20 20.p21 21.t17 22.s21 or
|13.s19 14.s18 15.p17 16.o19 17.r21 18.q22 19.t17 20.s21

So, I'm thinking "something else" would have been better, perhaps

|5.s17 6.q16 7.t15 8.r14 9.t13

On 2020-07-27 at 11:53, Florian Jamain (info) said:
Well, to be honest a move like 9.q13 is really "naive" to me.
When I see the board, this move is like the best way to lose.
Your position is probably good until there.
Of course after 9.q13 10.p16 it's horrible now.

You can see that you have an interesting threat in |9.n14, but I'm not sure if it is correct right now, for instance after |9.n14 10.n21 or around there it's maybe not good, need to be analyzed very precisely.

But you have another obvious very strong move in this position |9.h15
It gives you two different threats, h10 and somewhere in the middle to connect with p11, for instance the famous n14.
Moreover, black cannot answer |9.h15 10.h17 which is not working cause not connected to n17.

On 2020-07-27 at 23:26, Peyrol (info) said:
|9.h15 is certainly strong, maybe the best in that position, but still might not work:
10.i12 11.n14 12.o15 13.l15 14.n13
or 13.l13 14.k16 15.f14 16.j6 17.j14 18.r7 19.q6 20.q9
or 11.m14 12.l16 13.f14 14.j6
or 13.j14 14.h20 15.h19 16.g18 17.j18 18.j15
or 13.j15 14.h19 15.k18 16.k16 17.k17 18.l18

Maybe your losing move was S7. Instead |7.m8 looks less vulnerable.

On 2020-07-27 at 23:56, Peyrol (info) said:
I correct one line:

|9.h15 10.i12 11.n14 12.o15 13.l13 14.k16 15.f14 16.j6 17.j14 18.r7 19.q6 20.q9 21.m8 looks winning for white.

But how about 20.p8 21.r9 22.p12 23.r12 24.m19

On 2020-07-28 at 08:57, Florian Jamain (info) said:
I like this kind of positions David, I think the good move is d13 for white there.

|9.h15 10.i12 11.n14 12.o15 13.l13 14.k16 15.f14 16.j6 17.j14 18.r7 19.q6 20.p8 21.r9 22.p12 23.r12 24.m19 25.d13

It's over no?

On 2020-07-28 at 14:35, Peyrol (info) said:
Sorry I don't see it yet. For example

|9.h15 10.i12 11.n14 12.o15 13.l13 14.k16 15.f14 16.j6 17.j14 18.r7 19.q6 20.p8 21.r9 22.p12 23.r12 24.m19 25.d13 26.o10 27.f8 28.g18 29.e18 30.f10 31.e10 32.b12

or 27.d8 28.g18 29.e18 30.b12 31.g17 32.d11 33.f10 34.f7 please what did I miss?

On 2020-07-28 at 15:01, Peyrol (info) said:
Okay I missed |9.h15 10.i12 11.n14 12.o15 13.l13 14.k16 15.f14 16.j6 17.j14 18.r7 19.q6 20.p8 21.r9 22.p12 23.r12 24.m19 25.d13 26.o10 27.f8 28.g18 29.e18 30.f10 31.e10 32.b12 33.d12

But 32.c13 looks better.

On 2020-07-28 at 15:16, Peyrol (info) said:
SORRY that does not work either. This may take a while.

On 2020-07-28 at 17:37, Florian Jamain (info) said:
Well, when I said "it's over" it's more like "I'm not happy with this position at all for black it seems really bad, I would not play to obtain that".

But of course, maybe there is just one complicated line which makes this still a win for black, so... maybe you're right.

On 2020-07-28 at 23:43, Peyrol (info) said:
Okay so if I find a win for black then we're both right.

|9.h15 10.i12 11.n14 12.o15 13.l13 14.k16 15.f14 16.j6 17.j14 18.r7 19.q6 20.p8 21.r9 22.p12 23.r12 24.m19 25.d13 26.o10 27.f8 28.e8 29.d7 30.g9 31.e9 32.g20 33.e20 34.b13

or 31.c9 32.g18 33.e18 34.b11

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