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Game number: Main Page
White: James K Wright    Black: lapierrefolle (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2022-07-08 at 06:37, Peyrol (info) said:
Here is a bot v bot game.
The minutes spent on each move ranged from about 7 to about 14. The average was about 9 minutes.

|1.N18 2.N16 3.N14 4.N12 5.G11 6.L17 7.H16 8.H6 9.D6 10.D4 11.J8 12.K6 13.F5 14.I4 15.E3 16.E9 17.E12 18.G8 19.M7 20.N5 21.C11 22.C8 23.T7 24.Q8 25.B9 26.A9 27.S9 28.R6 29.N4 30.L6 31.U5 32.S4 33.V3 34.U3 35.U1 36.O14 37.L9 38.I12 39.I10 40.N7 41.S14 42.R14 43.Q13 44.S16 I stopped the game here, black is winning. One line is 45.o8 46.o9 47.p6 48.p5

If 13.h4 14.j7

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