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Game number: Main Page
White: jazzy1    Black: lapierrefolle (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2022-03-01 at 13:18, Peyrol (info) said:
Game Center game

peyrol vs yupina, 1 March 2022 15+10

|1.f6 2.k17 3.q15 4.p13 5.r12 6.q10 7.j14 8.i16 9.h15 10.g15 11.t11 12.s9 13.n12 14.n14 15.p11 16.s16 17.s14 18.p19 19.u19 20.r18 21.resign

If 17.n16 18.m16 19.s14 20.p17 21.p18 22.o19 23.r17 24.q20 25.u19 26.r18 black wins.

Perhaps I should have tried 11.n14 or 11.s10.

On 2022-03-01 at 16:50, mmKALLL (info) said:
Correct URL seems to be

Move 16 is very interesting, I haven't seen this kind of setup before but it seems like it works. 11.s10 does seem more promising for white.

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