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White: JoesPizza    Black: omomom (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2021-10-20 at 15:02, Peyrol (info) said:
From Oct. 9, 2nd game twixter against mmKALLL on Boardspace.

|1.f5 2.l13 3.p14 4.l9 5.s11 6.r8 7.t8 8.s4 9.n7 10.q11 11.q12 12.p16 13.s16 14.r20 15.m17 16.n15 17.s18 18.resign

Black had an opportunity to force white to use the left side of the board with 14.r17. For example 15.r18 might be losing after 16.p9 17.r7 18.u11 19.u10 20.q19 21.n15 22.l18 23.m17 24.n17 25.k18 26.j19 27.f18 28.i17 29.g16 30.j14

Instead, maybe white could have held on with 15.n15 immediately.

On 2021-11-22 at 16:33, Peyrol (info) said:
I got the move order wrong. Thanks to Martin Stevens (I hope that is his name) for pointing this out.

|1.f5 2.l13 3.p14 4.l9 5.s11 6.r8 7.t8 8.s4 9.n7 10.q11 11.q12 12.p16 13.s16 14.r17 15.r18 16.p9 17.r7 18.u11 does not work for black because of 19.u10 20.q19 21.s20 22.s15 23.u15

Instead, move 18 is black's last chance to play 18.q19, and now if 20.s15 21.u15 22.u14, or 21.t14 22.u11

On 2021-11-22 at 16:45, Peyrol (info) said:
I left out a move, sorry. Here is the above analysis over again.

|1.f5 2.l13 3.p14 4.l9 5.s11 6.r8 7.t8 8.s4 9.n7 10.q11 11.q12 12.p16 13.s16 14.r17 15.r18 16.p9 17.r7 18.u11 does not work for black because of 19.u10 20.q19 21.s20 22.s15 23.u15

nstead, move 18 is black's last chance to play 18.q19, and now if 19.s20 20.s15 21.u15 22.u14, or 21.t14 22.u11

On 2021-11-26 at 06:21, Peyrol (info) said:
I am repeating the analysis from my thread on BoardGameGeek.

First, we consider the line Martin gave: |1.f5 2.l13 3.p14 4.l9 5.s11 6.r8 7.t8 8.s4 9.n7 10.q11 11.q12 12.p16 13.s16 14.r17 15.r18 16.p9 17.r7 18.s15 19.t14 20.u11

I claim this variation loses for black, because black did not play Q19.

21.u10 22.t13 23.n15 24.m17 25.m18 26.n19 27.l16 28.l18 29.j17 30.i19 31.i18 32.h17 33.j20 34.k19 35.l19 36.j18 37.k17 or 30.j19 31.f18 32.i17 33.g16 34.h15 35.h14 36.j14 37.h9 38.h11 39.g12 40.i9 41.f10 42.g8 43.e8

But after 18.q19 black wins, for example 19.n15 20.k18 or 19.o16 20.n17 21.m17 22.l18 23.k18 24.j19 25.i19 26.h20 27.d19 28.g18 29.e17 30.f15 31.d14 32.e12 33.h14 34.f16 35.e16 36.g13 37.g15 38.h15

My conclusion is that after 14.r17 white has to play 15.n15 immediately.

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