1.G22 might be too weak, but it does carry some threats. It can serve as a "ladder catcher" for a diagonal chase coming from the right side. 3.H13 was not necessarily bad, but it might have been better to play on the right side, for example |3.q13 in order to make better use of G22.
Thank you for taking the time to go over this David, I appreciate it and it is very helpful. My original intent in playing at h.13 and d.15 was to get assets on the left before initiating a ladder chase down to the bottom left corner by playing at q13 as you suggested. I figured that black would have to respond to those moves by playing at the top left and then I could start the ladder chase with more pegs in the bottom left to help corral any clever plan you had for thwarting said ladder chase. Is this a silly premis or style of play? Whatever the case, I got it into my head that I could exploit the gap between your two pegs in the upper left at l13 and i9 by playing at k10 and off I went chasing a squirrel and forgetting about any plan. My thought that k10 would be a winning move Is a testament to my poor analysis. Like I said in the game, really the rest was just me trying to play along to see if you might get distracted by the start of championship 51 enough to make a mistake that would get me back in the game. I can't see any holes in any of your analysis on the game. Thanks again for doing that, it helps further my understanding.
|5.D15 might have been the losing move. It would have been better to use the right side of the board, for example |5.n12 to make more threats. Just to demonstrate one threat, 6.o14 7.q13 8.q15 9.f10 10.g10 11.h11 12.e9 13.j10 14.k10 15.l11
If |11.l8, I was thinking I could play 12.g15 but now I believe that would have lost against 13.h17 for example 14.i16 15.f14 16.f17 17.d18 18.d20 19.c20 20.e18 21.e16 22.b21 23.f18
But |11.l8 12.g19 looks better for black. One line is 13.d19 14.c19 15.b20 16.e18 17.c18 18.d16 19.b16 20.e14 21.e13 22.f12 23.f11 24.g10
|21.k14 would probably have best been answered with 22.m12 23.m15 24.p11 for example 25.o12 26.o9 27.q11 28.q8 29.t8 30.s7.