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White: Florian Jamain    Black: spd_iv (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2013-05-28 at 01:38, twixter (info) said:
How about |21.g13 and now:

22.i13 23.i12 24.g14 25.f16 26.e15 27.j14 28.i15 29.l15 30.l19 31.o19 32.n20 33.p17 34.p19 35.q18 or
22.g15 23.f16 24.h13 25.i12 26.e16 27.j14 is similar, or
22.g17 23.f18 24.i16 25.e16 26.h14 27.e12 or... what?

On 2013-05-29 at 21:08, Florian Jamain (info) said:
I looked so many variations here ... I cannot remember everything.

I thing one of the problems was:
|21.g13 22.f18 23.g19 24.h14

On 2013-05-31 at 00:54, twixter (info) said:
If you analyze with Jtwixt during the game, you can save your work. And the next-move evaluation symbols I find very handy to remember which variations look good and which ones look bad.

Anyway, it seems you remember well enough :-)

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