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Game number: Main Page
White: sleepywind    Black: Mirko Rahn (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2012-01-17 at 20:29, Mirko Rahn (info) said:
12. e17 would have killed 13. l18

On 2012-01-17 at 22:19, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
On the other hand, white would still have had some possibilities : 12.e17 13.j16 14.i17 15.o16 16.n15 17.q15 18.r20 19.m19 20.n19 21.o20

On 2012-01-19 at 22:14, sleepywind (info) said:
When I was playing 11.f13 I felt a bit hopeless. Afterwards I think something like 12.i8 would give black an easy game.

On 2012-02-11 at 00:52, David J Bush (info) said:
|12.e17 13.j16 14.i17 15.o16 16.n15 17.q15 18.o13 and now 19.r13 20.p11 21.s11 22.s8 23.t9 24.r6 25.u7 26.u3 or 19.s11 20.q12 21.t13 22.r9 23.r10 24.t10 25.q8 26.s13 or 23.r8 24.q7 25.s10 26.r10 27.q6 28.u13

Even after 12.E15 13.L18 black could have tried |14.n7

On 2012-02-11 at 01:08, David J Bush (info) said:
|12.e17 13.j16 14.i17 15.o16 16.n15 17.q15 18.o13 19.r13 20.p11 21.r10 22.q6 23.p9 24.o7 25.m8 26.l6 27.l5 28.n7 29.k7 30.o9 or 23.u6 24.u4 (Medcalf defense) 25.t4 26.p4 27.s2 28.t9 29.q8 30.r8 31.m7 32.l5 and this is getting silly, but I believe black wins.

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