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Game number: Main Page
White: Loïc Boisnier    Black: Bizniouf (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2012-02-25 at 00:29, Alan Hensel (info) said:
Was move 26 the turning point? The obvious move (to me) was |26.f8. Then, for example, 27.j8 28.k8 29.h9 30.e10, and after that battle is won, 31.j14 32.q7 should finish it off, and then Black wins. Or did I miss something? Does |26.f8 actually have a fatal flaw?

It looks like |30.q7 doesn't work with the way the upper left corner actually played out, because 31.m5 32.k5 33.n8. That forced Black to play something closer to the left; unfortunately, |30.p6 couldn't actually connect to the right edge.

On 2012-03-06 at 22:19, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
Hi Alan,

The fatal flaw of 26.f8, as I read it when I was playing the game was that I was unable to prevent Loïc to play j8 and to threat to connect either to the top or to his m11-p8 group, as follows :

Either 27.h9 28.h7 29.j8 30.j6 31.p8 32.l11 33.j14 34.n12 35.o14
Or 26.f8 27.h9 28.i7 29.i6 30.h5 31.j8 32.j6 33.p8 34.k8

I knew that Loïc will play 25.f10 and I planned to answer 26.f8 but I discovered this flaw afterwards.

I have suffered a lot in this game, and I was quite happy, and to tell truth, I was quite confident after having played 22.i16. Actually I cannot figure out how I could have won after 23.f14.

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