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White: Samdakota    Black: spd_iv (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2011-10-16 at 14:58, Alan Hensel (info) said:
Wow! #1 spd_iv loses to a newcomer - after I'd written this game off.

I thought |22.f18 would end it. But spd_iv must have considered that, so maybe there is a weakness, probably in the concave part of the h19-k16-o17 line.

So, if |22.f18 23.g17 24.e20:

25.k18 isn't it: 26.j18 27.m17 28.l19 neatly ends it.

25.k19 is too far south: 26.j18 27.m18 28.m16.

25.k17 actually works a little better, because 26.j18 27.m18 with double threats L15 and N16, or 26.l18 27.i18. But it's too high; 26.l19 seals it up: 27.l20 28.m17 or 27.l18 28.m17.

Am I missing something? Maybe spd_iv simply thought 22.g17 was safer for the concave part of the line, and misjudged the endgame (|25.e20 26.d20 27.c19 28.g21 29.b21 30.c23)?

On 2011-10-18 at 00:49, Alan Hensel (info) said:
Maybe m18?

|22.f18 23.g17 24.e20 25.d20 26.d22 27.m18 28.n15 29.k17 30.l14 31.j15 32.k12 and then... hm.... 33.e10?

On 2011-10-29 at 14:40, spd_iv (info) said:
yes i made a mistake for example:
|22.f18 23.g17 24.e20 25.c19 26.c21 27.m18 28.n15 29.k17 30.l6 31.k12 32.p6 33.r6 34.p12
|22.f18 23.g17 24.e20 25.c19 26.c21 27.m18 28.n15 29.k17 30.l14 31.j15 32.k12
but i didnt see 25.c21
i thought:
|25.e20 26.d20 27.c19 28.g21 29.b21 30.c23
|25.e20 26.d20 27.g21 28.f19 29.m18 30.l18 31.k19 32.m16

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