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White: Thierry Pertuy    Black: Klaus Hußmanns (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2011-04-01 at 21:05, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
I was happy with the start til 7.o7 but I was unable to answer to 8.n17, even if it was very far away... My trap on n14 was very visible and I have been in great difficulty when Klaus played 12.m19. I played 13.i14 because it was the least I can do to avoid being cut in the center and it could help in case of some ladder. Doing so Klaus was able to lock me very efficiently. 15.o17 was a mistake due to a misread. After 18.l15 I felt the game was over.

I'd like to gather some comments about this game.
- Was I wrong in thinking that my start was ok ?
- Which answers could have been played to 8.n17 ?
- How would have you answer to 12.m19 ?
- Where did I loose the game ?

On 2011-04-02 at 01:16, CSM (info) said:
I think the game could have gone thusly (sp?): 9.l16 10.k18 11.r16 12.q20 13.u19 14.o14 15.q13 16.r13 17.s14 18.p12 19.r12 20.r11 21.s10 22.s9 23.t8 24.s4 25.q5 26.t7 27.u6 28.u3 29.s5 30.q3 31.q6 which looks good for white, but then, sometimes I think too much.

On 2011-04-02 at 01:25, CSM (info) said:
Or maybe 9.l16 10.k18 11.r16 12.q14 13.s13 14.r11 15.r15 16.o15 17.r10 18.o11 19.t11 20.r8 21.t7 which again looks good for white and of course is all speculation.

On 2011-04-02 at 11:31, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
I see. According to what you think, in any case, I should have played closer to N17. Maybe we can say that my L10-N11 pegs give me some influence I can use to attack Klaus's peg quite severely ?

On 2011-04-02 at 14:26, CSM (info) said:
Yes. If not L16, then somthing else on the left side. But I still like L16. An Achilles defense may have gone like so: 9.l16 10.l18 11.j17 12.j19 13.h18 14.h20 15.d19 16.g18 17.e17 18.f16 19.f15 20.g14 21.g13 22.i13 23.g13 24.k12 25.g8 26.f10 27.f11

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