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White: Thierry Pertuy    Black: Klaus Hußmanns (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2011-06-22 at 05:25, iwin (info) said:
Hi Thierry, this one has been bothering me for a while. I don't understand the o14 move as you connected your links in the prior n13 move. Why not just head home (victory) with L7 and if you need to tie up loose ends with your i18-M20 links there appears to be two immediate options for that (k18 or J17).

On 2011-06-22 at 20:54, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
Hi Iwin
43.o14 is hopeless since Klaus would have answered 44.n12 if I hadn't proposed him a draw. My two lines do cross around 13-n14 but they are not connected and I had no way to connect them because I was enclosed in a too small area all surrounded by black.

On 2011-06-23 at 05:25, iwin (info) said:
Per LG rules: "Unlike Twixt, TwixtPP, as played here, does not support link removal and your own links are allowed to cross each other. (The PP stands for Paper-Pencil.)"

On 2011-06-23 at 05:36, iwin (info) said:
In my original thread the more correct terminology should have been "crossed" not "connected". But LG equates the two terms in TwixtPP.

On 2011-06-23 at 05:58, iwin (info) said:
OK...., I have sucessfully baffeled myself.
If LG allows "line crossing" does that not equate to a "sucessfull connection of links" or do the pegs actually have to connect?? I thought that due to the lack of "link removal" and the lack of this on-line version to adhere to the actual board game "crossing links" was the same as "connecting links". The available LG rules are not explicit so....please advise...or HELP!! :-)

On 2011-06-23 at 18:05, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
The way Twixt is played on LG is that crossing links does not means they are connected. To win you must connect !

On 2011-06-24 at 01:49, iwin (info) said:
That nugget of news is pure gold. Thank you Thierry!

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