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Game number: Main Page
White: markcohi    Black: Thierry Pertuy
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On 2011-02-25 at 12:00, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
Bad start. 8.q7 was on the bad site : |8.o7 9.q8 10.q6 11.r6 12.s5

Then I was quite happy with my ladder defense in the bottom and especially with 16.l17. Maybe there was a way to break it but neither markcohi nor me did find it.

I cannot see how I could have avoided 24.k10. I was fearing l11 and something like 24.j8 25.l11 26.m10 27.m9
Then, I cannot see how to defend the top left after 25.i10. Even with the l9 peg.

On 2011-02-25 at 23:25, Alan Hensel (info) said:
I also don't see how you could have avoided |24.k10 at move 23; however, earlier, as soon as you saw that there was going to be a ladder, you might have been able to strengthen its end. For example, |20.m7.

On 2011-02-26 at 03:15, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
Yes, you're right, would have been a good idea.
But 20.m7 21.n6 22.m14 23.k14 24.l12 25.j12 26.i7 27.l11 28.m10 29.m9
seems to be the right move : 21.n6 22.m14 23.k14 24.l12 25.j12 26.i6 27.k10 28.m10 29.j8 30.k7

On 2011-02-26 at 04:41, Alan Hensel (info) said:
Good line up to: |20.m7 21.n6 22.m14 23.k14 24.l12 25.j12, but then you have to close it up: 26.k11 27.i10 28.i8 29.e8 30.h10 31.e13 32.e10 33.f11 34.f8 - looks good. But if 21.n6, then why not 22.n5? Push it as far as it will go. Then if 23.o4, 24.o3 25.p2.

I just noticed that pushing it, in this case, makes no difference to the line: |24.k11 25.i10 26.i8 27.e8 28.h10 29.e13 30.e10 31.f11 32.f8 - but I still recommend pushing it.

On 2011-02-26 at 10:24, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
Ok. All that makes sense. Thank you Alan !

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