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White: Csaba Nagy    Black: maraca (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2011-02-13 at 05:38, maaaraca (info) said:
I had the feeling I had won this game, but lost it. But by closer examination I only found 1 move where I should have played something else, that's |14.q19 I believe this small move there decided between win and loss. Somehow I thought I don't need the room there, so TwixT lesson 77: Always extend your ladders to the max. Sub rule: holes are usually bad. For example |14.s20 15.u20 16.t22 17.v22 gives more room to the left, but on a ladder like 18.j19 19.l18 20.l20 21.n19 22.n21 23.p20 24.p22 this doesn't help much...

On 2011-02-13 at 21:21, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
I have analysed this game (with my own 1600's understanding...) and felt it fantastic.
As far as I have understood the game, white has maintained some continuous balanced threats between two and even thre paths (left, center and right).
Really, this game looks amazing to me. Bravo to both of you.

On 2011-02-16 at 20:40, maaaraca (info) said:
Thanks. I think I found the crucial mistake, I made it much too complicated... I see no way for white to defend: |20.e6 21.m12 22.k15 23.j13 24.i16 25.d15 26.h14 27.h10 28.g12 29.e11 30.i8

On 2011-02-16 at 20:41, maaaraca (info) said:
Thanks. I think I found the crucial mistake, I see no way for white defend if I play the simple |20.e6 21.m12 22.k15 23.j13 24.i16 25.d15 26.h14 27.h10 28.g12 29.e11 30.i8

On 2011-02-16 at 20:44, maaaraca (info) said:
Or |20.e6 21.h10 22.h9 23.n13 24.k15 25.j13 26.i16 27.d15 28.h14 29.i11 30.g12 31.e11 32.h11

On 2011-02-16 at 21:22, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
Hum. What about 20.e6 21.h9 22.i8 23.m12 24.k15 25.j13 26.i14 27.i11 ?

On 2011-02-16 at 21:54, maaaraca (info) said:
Then |20.e6 21.h9 22.h11 with maybe 23.g11 24.f12 25.e12 26.i8 27.n13 28.k15 29.j13 30.i16 or something similar.

On 2011-02-16 at 22:05, maaaraca (info) said:
Even the line used before is still working: |20.e6 21.h9 22.i8 23.m12 24.k15 25.j13 26.i16 27.d15 28.h14 You made a mistake at 26th.

On 2011-02-16 at 22:08, maaaraca (info) said:
No, my mistake, even with 26. i16 instead of i14 it doesn't work, but the line with the early correction should work.

On 2011-02-16 at 22:14, maaaraca (info) said:
And for completion: I came to the conclusion if I would use the same line as in the game 14. Q19 is NOT enough to win. So the mistake really happened at 20.

On 2011-02-17 at 05:47, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
What after 20.e6 21.h9 22.i8 23.m12 24.k15 25.j13 26.i16 27.d15 28.h14 29.i11?

On 2011-02-17 at 16:12, maaaraca (info) said:
Then white wins, I've already corrected that. The right line is this one |20.e6 21.h9 22.h11 with maybe 23.g11 24.f12 25.e12 26.i8 27.n13 28.k15 29.j13 30.i16 ...

On 2011-02-17 at 20:56, Thierry Pertuy (info) said:
Oh yes. You're right. Funny to see that only one innocent move can change the issue of the game...

On 2011-02-23 at 18:24, szncs (info) said:
What about 20.e6 21.k13 ?
22.k15 23.j13 24.i16 25.d15 26.h14 27.h10 28.i8 29.i12

On 2011-02-27 at 21:22, maaaraca (info) said:
Very good question! I see no quick win for black, but I think if black can win, then with this move he is forced to fight on top: |20.e6 21.k13 22.m9 23.n8 24.n7 25.o6 26.o5 27.p4 28.n11 29.m12 30.p10

On 2011-02-27 at 21:35, maaaraca (info) said:
After your suggested line, m9 is still a winner? |20.e6 21.k13 22.k15 23.j13 24.i16 25.d15 26.h14 27.h10 28.i8 29.i12 30.m9 31.q9 32.l12 33.l11 34.n11

On 2011-02-28 at 22:04, szncs (info) said:
After 20.e6 21.k13 22.m9 move from the game 23.t8
Possible continuation 24.q6 25.u6 26.u9 27.m12 28.n7 29.r9

On 2011-03-01 at 23:59, maaaraca (info) said:
|20.e6 21.k13 22.m9 23.t8 24.q6 25.u6 26.u9 27.m12 what about this move? 28.r8

On 2011-03-12 at 19:40, szncs (info) said:
20.e6 21.k13 22.m9 23.t8 24.q6 25.u6 26.u9 27.m12 28.r8
Maybe: 29.l8 30.l7 31.j7 32.i8 33.l6 34.l11 35.n7 36.n10 37.n9

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