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Game number: Main Page
White: korubko    Black: maraca
Black's turn: (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2010-12-12 at 19:53, maaaraca (info) said:
Obviously move 22.g14 was a stupid mistake. In the end we can see why. I saw that right after I sent the move, but it was already too late. After that I tried several traps, there were positions where white only has one move possibility, but korubko saw them all. For example 37.l7 or 43.h18.
A deeper look at the 43. example:
if |43.i19 then 44.f17 45.e18 46.e21 47.g17 48.h18 49.i18 50.j19 51.j17 52.h17 and black wins!
if |43.i18 then 44.h18 45.e18 46.e21 47.g17 48.j19 49.j17 50.h17 and black wins!
if |43.h17 44.i19 and black wins.

|22.i18 is the move I wanted to play first and probably what I should have done, I think it's a winner.
|20.j16 was a move I was considering too.

Here is the reason why the moves in this area are interesting:
For example if |21.s16 then 22.i10 23.e10 because of g9 threat. 24.h12

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