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Game number: Main Page
White: elroy    Black: David J Bush (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2009-11-08 at 18:22, wojtek (info) said:
in this position elroy play bad. he can play 19.t7 20.s9 21.p8 22.o4 23.r7 24.r5 25.u5 26.s7 27.u9

On 2009-11-11 at 14:42, David J Bush (info) said:
19.t7 20.s9 21.p8 22.q8 23.m4 24.n11 and black wins

On 2009-11-12 at 21:57, wojtek (info) said:
19.t7 20.s9 21.p8 22.q8 23.s11

On 2009-11-14 at 14:18, David J Bush (info) said:
19.t7 20.s9 21.p8 22.q8 23.s11 24.o4 25.t9 26.t4

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