So, recognizing the Y threat, the stem looks unassailable (I see no way to connect L19 to the left edge), the branches are too high for a threat over the top, and the middle looks fine, too (|23.e1324.i1225.l14 or |23.e1324.k1225.f7).
I don't see a win for Black if |23.e13. In the bigger picture, there were not enough Son points at stake to change the outcome of the Championship.
2009-09-21 at 18:50,
I guess there were enough points at stake to keep me in the top league, though. Oh well.
The most interesting aspect of this game to me is what a nice move 24.m13 seems to be. I was thinking of 23.e13 at the time, but it never occurred to me that I would lose the chance if I played t16 first.
Thanks as always, Alan.
2021-08-10 at 20:03,
I should have said "what a nice move |24.m13 seems to be," apparently, for proper rendering
So, recognizing the Y threat, the stem looks unassailable (I see no way to connect L19 to the left edge), the branches are too high for a threat over the top, and the middle looks fine, too (|23.e13 24.i12 25.l14 or |23.e13 24.k12 25.f7).
I don't see a win for Black if |23.e13. In the bigger picture, there were not enough Son points at stake to change the outcome of the Championship.
The most interesting aspect of this game to me is what a nice move 24.m13 seems to be. I was thinking of 23.e13 at the time, but it never occurred to me that I would lose the chance if I played t16 first.
Thanks as always, Alan.