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White: David J Bush    Black: wojtek (LG) | This game (LG) | Download JTwixt file
On 2009-02-13 at 14:56, twixter (info) said:
7.L18 was based on a bad idea, and 9.N13? made the situation even worse.

Black might have had a crushing win with 10.J17, for example

10.j17 11.q16 12.q17 13.p14 14.p19 15.f16 16.g14

But 10.K18 was certainly also winning.

12.g18 looks like a quick win for black. Perhaps wojtek thought I could make some sort of double threat with K20 or J19, but I have no way to use that on the right.

22.f15 might have been the losing move. D13 wins:

22.d13 23.f15 24.i13 OR

22.d13 23.g15 24.k14 25.f13 26.i11 27.e11 28.f8 OR

22.d13 23.g15 24.k14 25.i13 26.f14 27.e14 28.h13 OR

22.d13 23.h14 24.f15 25.c14 26.g13 27.f12 28.e11 29.h13 30.f13 31.e14 32.e12.

I was tempted to play the line

|33.j10 34.h5 35.g7

And now if

36.f6 37.k7!

But black can instead play

36.g3! 37.g6 38.f6 39.i5 40.j6

I got lazy and missed a quicker win with |39.P12 instead of S12. Even so, I don't see any way for black to win. Here are some variations.

|46.s15 47.t14 48.t19 49.q18 50.t17 51.t18 52.s21 53.r19 54.p20 55.n19


|46.t12 47.u11 48.s14 49.s15


|50.r20 51.q18 52.o19 53.n19 54.n21 55.p18 56.p19 57.r19

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